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The art of uncovering facts that transform execution

We build customer data-driven revenue systems for SMBs

We offer B2B revenue strategy services based on a framework that aligns customer data insights and revenue execution. 


Revenue is not just an outcome. It's a process!

Benefit from an adaptive framework that helps you segment by customer value and create insights around your customer buying committee.

The framework will allow you to build on client-driven programs showing results and track the metrics that matter.


Uncover insights

Go beyond traditional surveys and talk to your customers to tailor your innovation.


Connect the dots

Use existing data to improve your customer approach and gain a competitive edge.


Craft execution

Align your execution with your promises, reducing uncertainties within your teams.


Monitor your growth

Monitor your growth and base your decisions on reliable indicators.

Let’s dive in. Explore how you can leverage these tactics.

We care about your results and your team

By empowering your teams with insights and investing in a well-defined method, you seize opportunities that set you apart from others.

Your team's effectiveness depends on aligning your Go-to-Market motion throughout sales and marketing. 

Shared objectives and initiatives, break silos and strengthen team collaboration.

Join this transformative journey to stand out in a field where few venture.

  • Explore

    Start direct conversations with your staff.

  • Create

    Build clear processes and equip your teams in the right way.

  • Mobilize

    Share knowledge across the entire team to ensure execution exceeds market expectations.

What is the experience of working with Artefact like?

Our team brings firsthand experience as operators and executives from the private sector. 

You could handle it on your own, but partnering with us saves you valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Our method consists of 3 main phases.

Our values

  • Accessibility
  • Adaptability
  • Curiosity


Revenue Research

Gain clarity on your:

  • Ideal customer profile
  • Buying committee and personas
  • Job-to-be-done


Revenue Strategy

Map the relations between your customer journey and your pipelines.


Revenue Execution

Align business capabilities within commercial programs and not business units. Measure and double down on what brings results.

Meet Alex Boissonneault, the visionary founder of Artefact Ventures

With 15 years of experience in retail, B2B services, distribution networks, and telecom in Quebec, he led seven major business makeovers of over $50 million in total budget, all aimed at making customers and employees happier.

Alex is a go-getter and a real visionary in the industry, with an impressive track record. He’s all about pushing boundaries, embracing innovation, and putting customers and employees front and centre. A true trailblazer, he’s all about making things happen through his vision and expertise.


How to accelerate your progress
and enjoy the results


Book a meeting with our founder.


See how we can help your company grow.


Embark on the adventure.