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Cookie Policy

At Artefact Ventures, we use a variety of cookies. Some are essential for our website to function well; others can be refused or blocked according to your preferences.

If you have any questions about how we use cookies, please contact us at

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that contains a small amount of data about a user. This data may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are stored on the user’s computer or on the hard drive of another device. Among other things, they enable us to remember your browsing preferences and tailor your user experience each time you visit our site.

Some cookies may contain personal information, but that is not the case for all types of cookies. The way we process your personal information is governed by our privacy policy, which you can view here.

Les types de témoins que nous utilisons

The cookies we use have the following five functions:

  1. Performance cookies: these cookies help improve site performance.
  2. Analysis cookies: these cookies help us analyze how our visitors use our site.
  3. Functionality cookies: these cookies allow us to remember your preferences each time you visit our site.
  4. Essential cookies: these cookies are essential to our site’s function. Disabling these cookies will prevent you from accessing our site or using all of its functions.
  5. Advertising cookies: these cookies help us provide users with relevant and personalized advertising and marketing campaigns.

Liste des témoins de performance

Cookie name Duration Use
_gat_# 1 minutes Google Analytics – Limits the number of requests made on the site


Liste des témoins d’analyse

Cookie name Duration Use
_ga 2 years Google Analytics – Registers a unique identifier
_ga_# 2 years Google Analytics – Notes frequency of user visits (dates of first and most recent visit)
_gid 1 day Google Analytics – Analyzes how visitors use the site
hubspotutk 6 months Hubspot – Registers a unique identifier
__hstc 6 months Hubspot – Notes frequency of user visits (dates of first and most recent visit)
__hssc 6 months Hubspot – Analyzes how visitors use the site

Privacy policies and information about our cookie providers

To find out more about cookies from the providers mentioned above, please visit the following pages:

Google :


Your preferences

Please note that you can ask your browser to disable or restrict the cookies we use. However, this may prevent you from accessing our website correctly.

For more information on cookies, please visit

Contact us

If you have any questions, requests, or comments about this policy or the way we process your personal information, feel free to contact us through the contact form on our website, or at the following address:

Artefact Ventures

185 Place Alton
Québec, H9W 1Y9
438 390-7103